Asking Tinder Guys About The Perfect First Date
Cinderella goes Tinderella
As an anthropology enthusiast and an avid (re)watcher of Sex And The City, I have always fantasised about writing about love wearing nothing but my underwear while smoking lights. Unfortunately while I didn’t have any issue with underwear and cigarettes, I never had enough material to support my imaginary column.
Then Tinder came along.
I am not going to be ashamed and lie, I’ve been on Tinder for years. Way back when it was first creeping into public consciousness, way back when people were still more shy about meeting strangers off the internet, way back when the term “fuckboy” never even existed.
Thanks to Tinder, I had the opportunity to talk to all sorts of people I wouldn’t have otherwise spoken to. I even considered myself a Tinder pro, offering unsolicited advice to my friends on how to spruce up their profiles. I presented my coolest, most nonchalant self to these matches. But my yearning for a Mr. Big to my Carrie Bradshaw, or rather, a Smith Jerrod to my Samantha Jones was never fulfilled. It got me to thinking……
Was I doing everything wrong?
All the pink hearts everywhere must have gotten to me, because somehow I decided that I will not spend this Valentine’s Day alone. Using the best man-finder around (still Tinder) I set out to find my romantic stallion of 2017.
After a week of intense swiping that would have put Swiper the Fox to shame, I’ve compiled my responses and well.... see for yourself:
Most of the responses I got were fairly simple and nice:
Some really put in the effort, which I appreciated:
Then we had the fuckboys:
But I still managed to be impressed:
But after all that swiping, I think I managed to find the one:
Looks like I’ll be having a fiery hot date this Valentine’s.
And enough material for my imaginary column.