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SMU Pull Out Game Strong

When Bae teases you with 10% off.

In a hilarious turn of events on Monday 25th September, an allegedly erroneous email was sent out to Singapore Management University (SMU) students by the SMU Bizcom. Said email was recalled and an apologetic statement was made almost immediately. So what horrible content could such an email possibly have to garner such a swift withdrawal you may ask? Well SMU Bizcom had the audacity to partner with a local purveyor of contraceptives Happy Mail, offering their students a cheeky 10% off.

Discreet package, that's what my ex-girlfriend called me!

The quick and sudden pull out by SMU Bizcom was not surprising as the SMU administration has been known to be notoriously conservative. In fact, we asked our friends over at SMU, condoms are not even available for purchase on their campus. Seriously SMU, who do you think you are, NUS in 2013? While we applaud the paternal instincts of the university, one might ask if they’ve missed a learning opportunity to talk about safe sex, and potentially bargain for a larger discount from Happy Mail.


All’s not lost though, through our ingenious snooping we found that the SMU2017 code still works! So don’t be shy and seal the deal so you’ll never have to worry about messy coitus interruptus again. And if you’re more the reader than the doer, Happy Mail also has a rather interesting “Lifestyle” section that even puts us to shame.

Mmmm good reads indeed

Remember guys if you have a big juicy… story, don’t keep it under wraps! Let us know of anything worth sharing at and while you’re at it hit us up on instagram @thebulletcampus.

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