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Top Spots in NUS to Nurse a Headache

Or to #lookforgoldontheground. Or just to keep your ‘gram game alive.

When you spend 80% of your waking life in school, it’s hard to find opportunities to keep up your carefully curated Instagram game. NTU has its hive and SMU its ultramodern buildings, making NUS seemingly dull and drab at first glance.

But fret not, because we were inspired by this post (which was inspired by this other post #journalism) and we’ve scoured the land for the top spots on campus where you can maintain an active Instagram without having an active life.

Whether your signature move is staring contemplatively at a distance (blank look), looking for gold on the ground, or nursing a headache, your 200 or 20000 followers will surely be impressed by your ability to make life one big photo op. We've even included suggested hashtags for those who need a little more help. #followforfollow

Brick Wall (All Around Campus)

Perhaps the most commonly found and easily accessible photo spot in all of school (ranking just below the “White Wall”), brick walls are a trustworthy backdrop for a quick post-presentation group picture, or if your outfit to school is simply too good to go unpublished online. And much like that weird guy from your course that you’ve never spoken to before but still follows you on Instagram, a brick wall is never too far away.

The wall just outside the Business Library is also another photo hotspot well worth checking out if you are in that part of town. Be careful though, you might be mistaken as one of the Chainsmokers if you loiter around there for too long.


The newest addition to the faculty is a treasure trove of white, minimalist interiors with tons of natural light, perfect for that showcase shot to rep our school on the Instawebz. Grab a friend to help you take a (thousand) shot(s) from the third floor while you stroll back and forth across the linkways with insouciance. #candid

Shophouse Wallpaper (FASS)

Make your picture stand out with these vibrant shophouses in the background, showing your followers that despite your numerous dog filter selfies, there is a side to you that’s in touch with local architecture and culture. Express your inner Peeping Tom / Siao Lang / Chao Teeko by pretending to look inside the houses. The possibilities are endless. The world is your oyster.

Quirky Benches (FASS)

Conveniently located beside the shophouse decals mentioned above, these tables are the perfect spot to have a group discussion AND post photo of said discussion. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even be featured on the upcoming open house posters! The good vibes are also sure to make painful project meetings a little more bearable and help suppress urges to knock that one annoying group member tf out. You’ll be able to get work done without having to sacrifice your aesthetic game.

Trippy Walls (outside LT11, FASS)

Another gem of a photo op for the arts faculty, this newly refurbished spot at the edge of FASS has everything you need for a strong Instagram post. Natural light, Scandinavian style furniture, and a monochromatic patterned wall. This spot also comes complete with tiled floors for your #ihaveathingwithfloors post.

Open Area (Behind Computing)

A fantastic and underrated spot to enjoy greenery (way better than the Utown Green) and pretend you aren’t in school for 12 hours and counting. The relatively low foot traffic in this area also gives you the chance to take as many photos as you wish, without the judgmental stares.

Linkway between Mochtar Riady Building & NUS Guild House (Business School)

Typically used as a shortcut to get to the Deck, this frustratingly asymmetrical linkway is the perfect background for you to express how #TILT you feel about school.

LKC Natural History Museum (Exterior)

It takes a little more effort to venture into this part of town, but the abundance of perfect photo spots makes it all the more worth it. Quirky windows make sure your post won’t be just another post against a plain wall and gives you a fighting chance against the FASS hipsters on Instagram.

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

“Yong Siew whut?” Yeap, we know. The conservatory is home to your fancy Music major friends and their recitals. Kinda like NUS’ own version of Narnia - few have heard about it and even fewer have been there. Yet another relatively secluded location, this building, with it’s fancy high ceilings and fancy beams (another toast to #architecture), has no shortage of excellent photo spots.

Yes I major in music composition...of my Spotify playlists.

The most effort put into a #headache shot (#woeisme)

LKC Natural History Museum Mural

They say, “the bigger the better”, but if small birds are your kinda thing, then we guarantee that this trippy af mural, located at the main entrance of the museum, will not just beg for you to come, but will also satisfy you…aesthetically.

Be prepared to be inundated by admiration, surprise and jealousy from your friends from other campuses when you upload your psychedelic masterpiece. Geotag your location to showcase your apparent love for nature and history (...or for watching your non-NUS friends clamour to comment on your post. Be prepared for the “omg!!! whr is this??” comments).

Linkway between Natural History Museum and YST

We stumbled upon this location by accident while trying to get around without getting drenched. This place allows you to get the perfect shot to go with a #deep and #reflective caption about the ominous anticipation of finals, finding the light at the end of the tunnel, or walking a lonely road.

“The light at the end of the tunnel is just someone else’s phone”

Ngee Ann Kong Si auditorium (UTown)

A mystery even to UTown residents, this prime photo spot resides on the third level, just above Starbucks. The bold and brash brushstrokes are reminiscent of what you see in museums. This is the perfect place to pretend you’ve been to a museum AND actually appreciated the art. Who knew UTown was home to such multitasking gems of convenience?

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”

And there you have it, our favourite hidden spots on campus to brighten your day (and social media feed)!

Do you have any other spots around in school in mind? We are always on the hunt for locations around campus. After all, we have our own Instagram feeds to tend to. ;)

Till the next time, happy Instagramming! (We hope your headache recovers soon)

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