These Guys in NUS Have a Collective Instagram Page & They’re the Funniest, Snarkiest ‘Donks’ Eve
The Bullet Presents: No Hype Create Hype
When we think of Instagram accounts, our minds automatically conjure up models like @gigihadid, social influencers like @kimkardashian or even co(meme)dians like @youtiao666 who showcase the daily results of their having won the genetic lottery, while the rest of us are barely getting by wading in the shallow end of the gene pool.
But what we’ve discovered is a group of guys in NUS itself who has taken it to the next level by combining looks (debatable), social influence and humour all into one Instagram account - @NoHypeCreateHype. Formed by a group of level mates from Sheares Hall, these guys were bonded through their mutual love of “passing away” and “tilting” over “12pam/10” girls.
Guys out there better hide your girlfriends as these fine gentlemen (or so they say) might just steal yo' girl.
With an ever growing number of followers, these are the guys who put the ‘hype’ in hypebeast or, as some would argue, the ‘beast’ in hypebeast.
Beauty and the Hypebeast?
Well, we can tell just how much love, time and effort was put into maintaining the account, as seen from the toll it has taken on their academics.
Who needs Citation Machine™ when all you gotta do is reference (Google 2016) - sans comma?
Our Top 3 Picks From their Account:
“Just like Jesus fed 5 thousand people with 5 bread and 2 fish, Fabian attempted this great feat (read: grated feta). He gathered many people to drink with him and then presented only 1 can of beer.”
“His athleticism isn’t to be scoffed at either. After years of playing as a right back and toying with his opponents, Daniel decided to get serious in his final year and carried our Sheares soccer team to IHG Gold from his true position; the bench.”
“(From L-R) in decreasing order of BMI but also talkability, #nhch presents you with our one-time special deal of Chinese New Year Boyfriend Rental Offer (CNYBRO).”
In the midst of their busy school schedules and masterful content production, The Bullet has fortunately managed to snag an interview with the guys of NHCH at the height of their artistry.
--- What is NHCH about? NHCH, as our name suggests, is simply all about HYPE. Why did you guys decide to start it (and be honest, was alcohol involved)? Out of impulse? It started out just as a fun side project, just to entertain our followers. And actually most of us (law-abiding residents of hall) do try our best to refrain from alcohol.
Do you guys write the posts collectively or take turns? A good magician never reveals his tricks.
What is your inspiration for creating such fascinating content, and how long does it take to come up with such captions?
It's good to bring a little laughter into everyone's day and spread the joy (and hype). The captions come quite naturally, and of course this is helped by most of us being able to not take ourselves too seriously. Favourite post from the account? Favourite post? It would be like if Mother Teresa focused all her attention on one really hot orphan. There is no favourite post as all of them are equally HYPE. Out of all the members featured, who is the main superstar of NHCH? There is no such thing as “the main superstar". To create hype is a team effort. Without any one person's contribution, NHCH would just be like a condom for eunuchs. Sure, it would still work, but what's the point? Any words of advice for NHCH hopefuls who wish to start their own group Instagram accounts? Don’t try, you’ll only be the Taobao version of the real thing.
Has there ever been any conflict between the NHCH members in producing content for the page?
As all of us have minimally reached the wise old age of 23, we are all adults who can tolerate differences in most cases. In rare instances though we have to resort to threatening each other with proposed deficiencies in our future kids' anatomies.
What is the average CAP of the NHCH guys? Classified information. In any case, it is our shared belief that CAP is a social construct and thus of superficial importance.
If you like what you’ve seen so far, do follow them on nstagram and support their rise to fame at @NoHypeCreateHype! A word of advice though - get an inhaler ready as their ridiculous antics will be sure to trigger your all-along dormant asthma condition.
Do you guys know of any other noteworthy (read: questionable) personalities in school? Comment and let us know!