There are now Ranting Stations in the CLB
Presenting real-life facebook status updates.
It’s almost the end of Week 13 - we’re on the brink of having made it through yet another semester (and academic year). Undoubtedly, the past few weeks have got us all on edge with last minute presentations, assignments and tests. If lately, you’ve been feeling the urge to pull your hair out and scream at students asking you to buy shit from their CCA/society as you walk past their benches, don’t. Head on down to the Central Library to vent your frustrations because there are now “ranting stations” there.
This calls for a round of aplomb (sorry not sorry).
A project called ‘April with Aplomb’ has been taking place in the library, (we’re guessing) to help students de-stress and perhaps have some fun. The project includes:
Multiple Ranting Stations
A safe space for the worn-down millennial.
The Bullet’s Top Tip: bitch about that project group member who keeps asking dumb questions in the Whatsapp chat to the mystery box.
We’re not too sure what happens to all your written down rants, but we have reason to believe anything you write can and will be used against you, so we suggest going easy on the complaints. We definitely wouldn’t write about things NUS suck at. Well, not in the library anyway.
Feeling stupid because you can’t seem to solve that damn Fluid Mechanics questions? Try one of these puzzles to give you a momentary self-esteem boost.
Hint: Nope, it’s not that DotA player.
A Fact or Fiction Voting Station
Show off some knowledge and prove that you really deserve to be in NUS.
We’ve gotta admit, some of these are pretty damn hard.
And lastly, our favourite…
Free Snacks
For when you get the munchies while writing that 2000-word essay.
We also chanced upon this at the discussion area:
It is unclear if this is part of the project, but it fits the whole ‘de-stressing’ theme.
Kudos to the organisers - you’ve got our attention (and love)!
The Bullet wishes all students all the best for any upcoming assignments, presentations and finals. Let us know if you spot anything else around campus or if you have something interesting to share by submitting a story!