NUS researchers come up with technology to ‘send’ drinks online
Unfortunately, it doesn't work for alcohol yet.
Ever wanted to 'send' a drink online to someone through your computer? Us neither. Nonetheless, it seems that a group of researchers from NUS have somehow come up with a way to ‘send’ drinks online. The technology allows the recipient to taste the original drink through a tumbler filled with plain water. If you haven’t already seen the video circulating on facebook, check it out here:
Credits: TODAY online
Considering the fact that Japan constantly shocks us with technology and inventions that we’ve never asked for, it was pretty fitting that the project was presented at a conference in Yokohama last month.
How it works:
Sensors first detect the colour and pH level of the original drink, and the information is recorded in the computer. This information is then sent over to the recipient’s computer and tumbler of plain water. The tumbler uses LED lighting to mimic the colour of the original drink, and electrodes around its rim send electrical signals to tastebuds to create the taste.
Sounds pretty cool to us, but we were more concerned about what the purpose of this technology is.
What it will be used for:
One of the potential uses of this technology is in the production of healthy food or drink options for the elderly. Weakened taste sensitivity is one of the problems that come with old age, and this also leads to malnutrition when the elderly eat less due to the lack of taste. With the ability to simulate taste, food and drink could potentially be made more flavourful for them.
We take back what we said earlier about not needing this technology. I would love to be able to make my 'milo peng' extra gao without having to risk a sore throat and diabetes. This could also come in handy in the future when you want to have Saveur for lunch but can only afford cai fan.
Jokes aside, great job to the team in NUS for coming up with something as cool as this!
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