Should you use the MoFo Bike to get around Campus?
SPOILER ALERT: It was an uphill challenge.
Here at The Bullet, we (okay actually more like one of us) support(s) the idea of two wheels replacing four. That is why it was great to hear that three Bike Share services (MoBike, oBike and oFo Bike) were being rolled out throughout Singapore. Also with the recent article that we ran about someone taking an Uber to get from Sheares to The Deck, we called our resident cycling expert to ask and answer one question:
"Are these MoFo bikes viable as transport around the NUS campus?"
*DISCLAIMER*: We believe in safe cycling practices. When cycling on the road please adhere to traffic laws, wear a helmet and have bright front and rear lights.
For $1 per half hour you can look as cool as this guy.
The Bike
For this experiment, we decided to use the oBike, for two reasons mostly.
1. It’s a Singapore based company so #supportlocal
2. We already have the app and it was a free ride weekend so… #cheapo
The bike itself is pretty decent, all the hardware is covered up so you’ll never have to worry about getting grease on your expensive selvage jeans. And… that’s where the decency ends.
Brakes: Your feet do a better job of stopping you
Weight: I’ve had ex-girlfriends weigh less than this bike
Gears: Like me, forever single
Ride Quality: Like riding a boat, minus all the good bits about a boat
Safety: At your own risk buddy
But in all fairness, this is coming from a guy spends more time riding his bike than he does attending lectures. So overall the bike really isn’t too bad if you’re just taking a short trip from your home to the nearest MRT station or bus stop. Just know that you’re definitely not going to win the Tour de France on it.
The Experiment
Our experiment took the MoFo bike along some plausible scenarios that a student in NUS may encounter.
1. Kent Ridge MRT to Arts Faculty
We’ve had longer ones that hurt less.
So maybe you’re late for your 8am at AS7, you’ve come out of the MRT station and you see the A1 bus rolling away. Will the Mofo bike serve as a good alternative?
Yes there were lots of X-ing while climbing up this bit.
The initial roll down towards Science faculty was pleasant, since it was downhill most of the way. A small climb just outside University Hall was tough but manageable. But, we encountered a little speed-bump. By little speed-bump I mean THAT HUGE ***ING HILL AT YUSOF ISHAK HOUSE. So unless you want to go to class walking like Bob The Builder and sweatier than a fat tourist on Orchard Road we do not recommend this.
Verdict: A1 is worth the wait.
2. Arts to Kent Ridge Hall
I wish I knew someone this flat and easy.
So maybe your bae at KR called. Her neighbours left for afternoon class and she’s all alone on her floor. Maybe you could come over and *ahem* help her with some coding?
Starting from the CLB this route was a pleasant slope going down toward AS7, the brakes on the bike screeched on the downslope but overall the ride was pleasant. The slope down from Arts to Heng Mui Keng Terrace was fast and I barely had to pedal. Overall good fun, didn’t sweat much and was faster than the bus.
Verdict: Definitely worth the 50 cents.
3. Kent Ridge Hall to Kent Ridge MRT
It was here I called mum and told her she raised a quitter.
Ok so you need to be at Holland Village in 20 minutes. There’s no way you can wait for the bus to get you to the station. Why not try the bike?
NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. Our tester barely made it up the hill after business and the impossibly long hill outside PGP was just too much. 10/10 NOPES
Verdict: There’s no shame in giving up. Especially when cycling up that hill.
4. Kent Ridge Hall to UTown
Seriously, just no.
Your alarm didn’t go off in time and you’ve got 10 minutes to get to UTown. Luckily someone parked a MoFo bike outside your hall.
Remember that slope from Arts to Heng Mui Keng? Yeah time to head up that way. This is another big bunch of nopes. This one’s a double whammy, after the first hill outside KR, there’s another leading up to CLB. Needless to say, this MoFo bike is no mountain goat. After barely making it up both hills it was too much, our tester keeled over and cried the rest of the afternoon away in the UTown toilet.
Verdict: Call an Uber.
If your trip involves going up any sort of incline on campus you can forget about it. But if you’re just going for a spin to Ameens then this is a perfect alternative to waiting for the bus. The basket could probably hold all the food that your friends are gonna ask you to da bao for them anyway.
Do you have any stories about funny ways you got around campus? Let us know by dropping us a message on Facebook or leave a comment below!