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3 Reasons to Join the NUS Zombie-Themed EnginRun17

Who knows, you just might catch a Chris Pratt lookalike.

No, it’s probably not going be anywhere as frightening as the zombies faced by Rick and his crew in The Walking Dead. Yes, you will most likely (definitely) recognise your friend in his or her cheap, NTUC-bought face paint.

If the only running you’re inclined to do is of your Facebook meme page of 300 likes, here are 3 reasons we pulled out of our asses on why you should join the 2017 zombie themed engine run:

1) Lose your Freshman 5 kg (not really though) If you’re any other ordinary senior, you know how UTown’s gym merely serves as an aesthetically pleasing backdrop for the aesthetically pleasing infinity pool meant for aesthetically pleasing people (not you). The moment your projects pile and submissions gather like dust on the copy of Wuthering Heights you’d sworn to read 2 years ago - not forgetting that one language quiz, amigo - all within the same damn week, the only friends you can count on are those of curry, seafood or tomyum flavours who never fail to instantly gratify you within 3 minutes.

Did you know that it’s scientifically proven to be impossible to possess 1st class honours and still have a great body?

Well, apart from the usual humble brag photo op of completing a 5k marathon, this run will also give you and your silky, curdy body - courtesy of freshman year - a chance to pretend like the only reason you’re out of breath climbing the stairs in NUS is due to you still recovering from secretly getting in on in the handicapped toilet with your other half/hand. 2) Warm up for being an actual zombie when the semester begins If you’re new to NUS and you notice how your seniors’ smiles don’t quite reach their suspiciously vacant eyes, it’s because they’re already dead inside. It’s also no coincidence that they constantly share nihilistic memes with captions like “me af” or “ded”. Not entirely sure how such cheerful, optimistic people managed to get the life sucked out of them such that they’re basically corpses sleepwalking through life? Why not get a taste of getting surrounded by real fake zombies at the run before getting surrounded by real real zombies once the academic apocalypse commences.

3) Get a chance to debunk (or validate) the myth about “geeky engine guys”

Or the 4 girls that engineering takes in each cohort, whatever, we don’t see gender.

Let’s be real, we’ve all heard it before, at least once. Engine guys are nerdy, engine guys are sloppy, engine guys who are cute are also non-existent, engine guys are..unfortunately confined to an archetype, basically. Sure, we’ve heard of that one hot engine guy, but have we actually seen him or was it just a figment of our (thirsty) imagination?

Whether it’s like being surrounded by hundreds of Alfred Nobels (of the Nobel prize) or hundreds of Chris Pines/Evans/Hemsworths/Pratts, why not go down and have a look yourself?

Go bust that myth (among other things)!

If these reasons aren’t enough to get your lazy ass into action, for just $15, you also get a shoe bag and an exclusive Enginrun shirt which can be paired with bermudas and slippers - just like a true blue engine student (jk but not really)! It’s even cheaper if you and your friends sign up together. Check out their page to find out more about sign ups now!

Know of any other notable school events? Drop us a message at or have a chat with us on Facebook!

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