NUS Student Creates Beer That’s Actually Good For You
Any excuse to crack open a cold one with the boys
How it works?
The science behind the beer is pretty much the same stuff that goes into your probiotic drinks like Yakult or Vitagen. Probiotics are basically living micro-organisms that give your digestive system a boost. Benefits include more frequent bowel movements, a strengthened immune system, and an overall improvement of health. Alcine’s beer will be chocked full of those little probiotics and contains only 3.5 per cent alcohol. That means even if you drink a litre of it you won’t be at much risk of throwing up all that good bacteria!
Who it’s for?
Other than the obvious answer of ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE. This solves a problem for a lot of people as most commercially available sources of probiotics are dairy based such as the aforementioned Yakult, Vitagen as well as yoghurts. According to an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90% - 100% of East Asians and even 70% of South Indians are to an extent, lactose intolerant (de Vresse, M. 2001). This means that using dairy products as a source of probiotics would prove impractical and counter-productive since the main objective was to clean your gut out.
This means that Alcine’s boozy gut cleanser could be said to be a godsend for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Or basically anyone who needs an excuse to crack open a cold one. Who are we kidding no one needs an excuse to crack open a cold one.
What do you think of this wonder beer? Is it wunderbar, or has science gone too far? Let us know in the comments below what you think or if you would give this beer a try!