The Bullet Campus Guide To Campus Libraries
Time to satisfy that recess week #wanderlust
As recess week pulls around the corner we will see many (exchange) students take the opportunity to have their long-awaited break to neighboring countries to complete their eat-pray-love experience. At the same time, many students will also be taking a break from sanity and adequate rest to go camping in the libraries scattered across the NUS campus to catch up on everything that they may have missed out on during the past six weeks (trust me, when we say everything, we literally mean everything).
Angkor…WHAT do you mean there’s a midterm next week?
Being the ever hardworking muggers, we at the Bullet have compiled a handy guide to the libraries on campus. A change of scenery might be welcomed during the week, but where should you park your ass for one entire day?
1. Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library
Also known as the Business library, this bibliotheca boasts three spacious floors with plenty of sockets and private discussion rooms (pretty good for you know…DISCUSSIONS). For the perpetually stressed out, its close proximity to a public road also means smoke breaks without the fear of being spotted by Campus Security. Besides, you get the opportunity to network with business students, and potentially find a business partner for that used-panty reselling app idea you’ve been toying with…
All quality controls shall be done by…me
However, there are no toilets inside the library, which means you have to tap out every time you wish to do a boredom-induced number 2 (boo, any form of physical activity!). If you keep falling asleep and need a cup of coffee to keep you awake, the nearest canteen is also 4 stories worth of stairs away, which you have poor architecture and terrain to thank for. That also means you probably won’t need the coffee anymore.
2. Central Library
The mothership of all libraries in NUS, the Central Library predominantly serves students from Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering, Design and Environment, and Computing, which means that you will probably get to see a variety of characters while people-watching during your study breaks (fashionistas, unkempt hobos…you take your pick).
Also cue the hour long photo-booth sessions
To facilitate your week-long holiday, the Central Library has a convenient lounge, complete with (not very) hot water and a supply of diabetes-inducing snacks sufficient for powering you through 5 nights of studying. Unlike the Business Library, there are multiple toilets inside (perfect for anxiety-induced number 2s) and quiet rooms that ALSO have discussion tables at the same area. Perfect for quiet group meditation and prayer sessions (#bellcurvegod).
When the school has money to buy fancy tables but not chairs
In addition, the Central Library is also where NUS stores its rare books collection, which allows you to go on a Nicholas-Cage-like quest during your break and enrich yourself with rare information (because learning never truly stops).
Because the real treasure is work-life balance
3. Yale-NUS Library
The newest addition to campus libraries, the Yale-NUS library prides itself on its instagrammable interiors and relative exclusivity. A biased and unsubstantiated survey conducted by the Bullet found that only 2 out of 10 students have been to the Yale-NUS library. What could be more exciting than travelling to unknown lands during your recess week? If you’re lucky, you might even spot NUS’ activist group The G-Spot selling ‘FEMINIST’ shirts.
The ideal spot to fall in love #recessweekfling
4. Medicine Library
24 hour operating times, ergonomic chairs, eligible doctors-to-be? The Medicine library almost sounds too good to be true. Fun Fact: this library is also the oldest special library whose origins can be traced back to 1905! Catch your future healthcare providers chanting parts of the anatomy and embrace the sense of inadequacy while doing your business module readings on What It Takes To Be A Great Leader.
Next up: Petition to have massage chairs on campus
However, because all students are ushered to the 24-hour Reading Area after the main part of the library is closed, students whose items are still left at the library will be passed to security, so be careful and time that supper break properly.
Any libraries that deserve special mention, or any other great study spots you would like us to feature? Let us know at!
About The Author
~xXiao Li4nzX~ still has room for 37 god-brothers and/or god-sisters. A little known fact, she was the 2014 IFG GeGe MeiMei Champion (Solo Act). Interests include Mei Tu Xiu Xiu, Marlboro Black Menthol, and debating on the proper pronunciation of “Immanuel Kant”.